As you all know Eli has been called to serve in the London, England South Mission.
His farewell is Sunday, March 22nd @1:00 PM.
Any of you who would like to make it are more than welcome. It will be at our church. We will also have a light luncheon for close friends and family afterward at Hanna and Chris Terrill's house.
His farewell is Sunday, March 22nd @1:00 PM.
Any of you who would like to make it are more than welcome. It will be at our church. We will also have a light luncheon for close friends and family afterward at Hanna and Chris Terrill's house.
Yay! We will be there, Eli!
I have to work the night before but I am still going to try to make it up. Hope to see you all in a couple of weeks
Ao aince my kids will be there...does it count? I love you guys and I'll see you in a couple days. :O)
Love Ali
Work Hard Eli. The lord will bless you and you've done good. Hey, at least maybe the fish can grow up for the next couiple of years while you're gone. When you get back, we'll go out again and slay them!
Congrats Jerry & and Patsy. You did well raising a fine family. You, Jerry, are one of my dearest friends.
I can't believe that he is old enough to be on a mission. It makes me feel old. Hey can you send me his address? I'd love to write to him!! Love you! Tammy
Sorry we missed the Fairwell we would of loved to be there but u know we had other things going on anyways me and Darius would absoulutly love it if you came and visted us for a few day this summer u and your wonderful family are always welcomed here we love you all so much and can't wait to see you soon talk to you later
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