Sorry we haven't blogged in awhile, but since Marissa (Ralph & Annette Perez's daughter) mentioned we hadn't updated for forever... here you go.
Everett was joking around and made an ornament which had a noose around Obama's neck hanging from the Christmas tree. He thought it was pretty funny. (We didn't all concur)
Seems he received a special invite to the White House
and was able to get a picture with his new BFF
which we proudly hung from our tree.

Grandpa and Grandma Anderson surprised us and came up to our 3rd annual Christmas eve party over at Cindy and Ken's house. It was really good to see them. They don't travel much anymore so it was a neat surprise. Bonnie and Pat also came up to join in the celebration.

We all get together and eat soups, desserts, exchange white elephant gifts, and sing Christmas songs together.

Scruffy look and matching PJ's are a Coon tradition for us
and all the grandkids on Christmas morn.

You can see all the excitement in my face as I begin the hour long marathon of cooking crepes for Christmas morning. Actually, it went much faster this year because I used three pans at once and got a good rhythm going. We used Rebecca's crepe recipe from her blog and a syrup recipe given to us by Empey's in our ward.
(It is to-die-for good!)
Empey's Killer Homemade Syrup2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 cube butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp almond extract
Don't play with Matches!Alison came up to visit after Christmas with her kids.We had a real nice visit.
She helped us by cleaning ashes out of our stove downstairs and placed them in a cardboard box.
She had Eli put them outside the door. He put them just of our front steps.
Patsy and I could smell smoke really strong and we looked out to a blaze in the box and an adjacent garbage sack resulting in melted siding .
New Year's Hot Celebration!Patsy didn't think the fire I had going downstairs was hot enough
so she cranked it up to get it good and warm before closing the damper and inlet drafts.
Eli was playing the Wii downstairs with some friends and it was too hot
so he opened up the window to let in some cooler air.
All of the sudden we could smell stinky smoke.
He looked outside the window
and our house was on fire!
I ran out and with his help we doused it with snow and water.
It was still smouldering between the chimney and the house wall
so I called the fire department and soon we had all kinds of flashing lights and noise.
They squirted it down good and ripped off siding and insulation
just to make sure it was all the way out.
Thanks to the Firefighters and other civic and emergency personnel who keep us all safe and respond to our needs when it would be nice just to be home with their families!

Ralphie (Ralph Perez) has been after me to go ice fishing so we bit the bullet and went out to the Roberts gravel pond. Eli, Everett, Ralph, Rod Blaylock, and I caught about 123 perch.
It was a blast! We were toasty warm in Ralph's palace of an Ice Tent. Ralph had all the gear and we absolutely had a great time.

Our perch weren't quite as large as most pictured here. 4- 8" mostly.
When we got back I the work began. I spent 2 solid hours filleting the perch and cleaning the 2 trout we caught. But it sure will be good eating!
May Your New Year be as pleasant and filled with happy and treasured memories as our past year has been! We are soo grateful for our faith, friends, and family!